Dr. K A S Keeragala Independent Non-Executive Director

Dr. K.A.S Keeragala was appointed to the Board of Lanka Industrial Estates Ltd., in February 2022. Dr. Keeragala has served in all parts of Sri Lanka in the capacities of assistant divisional secretary, divisional secretary, provincial secretary, additional secretary of line ministries such as health, and secretary of the State Ministry of Finance. The last position held by Dr. K A S Keeragala was as state secretary, Ministry of National Policies & Economics affairs secretary in 2019, and the State Ministry of Finance in 2018.
Dr. K A S Keeragala holds a Ph.D. in Management from the Global University, California USA, and a Master of Arts (Economics) Specialized in Financial Markets, at the University of Colombo Sri Lanka. Dr K A S Keeragala has also followed an MBA Program at PGIA, University of Peradeniya, and an M.Sc. (Management) Program at the University of Sri Jayewardenepura. Dr. K A S Keeragala also holds a Bachelor of Science (Public Administration) special Degree from the University of Sri Jayewardenepura and is an Attorney at Law of the Supreme Court of Sri Lanka.